4 Ways to Create Full-Width Buttons in Flutter - Kindacode
4 Ways to Create Full-Width Buttons in Flutter - Kindacode
This practical and straightforward article walks you through 4 different ways to create full-width buttons in Flutter. Using ElevatedButton +
4 Ways to Create Full-Width Buttons in Flutter
가로로 꽉찬 버튼을 만드는 4가지 방법
Using ElevatedButton + Container/SizedBox
Wrap your ElevatedButton (or TextButton, OutlinedButton) widget inside a Container or a SizedBox whose width is double.infinity.
ElevatedButton과 Container/SizedBox를 사용하기
Container/SizedBox에 double.infinity를 적용하고 ElvatedButton을 감싼다.
Using MaterialButton
You can simply implement a full-width button with the MaterialButton widget by setting its minWidth property to double.infinity.
MateialButton을 사용하기
MaterialButton에 셋팅되어 있는 minWidth 파라미터를 double.infinity로 설정하면 아주 간단히 full-width 버튼을 사용 할 수 있다.
Setting minimumSize for ElevatedButton/TextButton
If you style your ElevatedButton (or TextButton, OutlinedButton) with the styleFrom static method, you can make its width match the parent width by setting the minimumSize parameter to Size.fromHeight(x), where x is the height of the button.
ElevatedButton/TextButton을 minimumSize로 셋팅하기
ElevatedButton 의 styleFrom 메서드를 이용해서 Size.fromHeight 만 적용한다.
그러면 width는 꽉차게 된다.
Using ConstrainedBox
ConstrainedBox 사용하기
constraints: const BoxConstraints(
minWidth: double.infinity, minHeight: 70),
child: ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {},
child: const Text('Elevated Button'),
음 마지막 방법은 쓰잘데기 없는듯...하다.
Constrained : 강제적인
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